• Estate Planning for Procrastinators

    Sometimes a serious illness or health scare prompts people to take a hard look at their estate planning. Frequently, this is when the desire to minimize the impact of estate/inheritance taxes becomes a priority.

  • How to Reduce Taxes on Employer Stock in a 401(k) Plan

    If you participate in a 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan that lets you invest in your employer’s stock, consider the tax deferral opportunities of net unrealized appreciation.

  • Understanding State Inheritance Taxes

    If you inherit money or property upon the death of a loved one, you may be expected to pay inheritance tax on your new assets. Find out which states have an inheritance tax and if you must pay.

  • Discover the Emotional and Fiscal Benefits of Philanthropy

    Strategies for year-end gifts can help reduce taxes come filing time.

  • Should You Consider A Roth Conversion?

    It's best practice to regularly take stock of your retirement and estate planning needs and consider any tax planning implications or strategies that may be needed. Here we take a look at the advantages of a Roth Conversion and how to determine if it’s the right move for you.

  • Navigating your Medicare Options

    By understanding your Medicare eligibility and coverage, you will likely be in a better position to navigate the options that will best address your needs.

  • Navigating Wealth Through Employer Stock

    Employer stock has long been a popular way for employees, not just executives, to accumulate wealth. This article explores different ways to navigate employer stock when considering your overall financial picture.

  • Don’t Procrastinate – Establish Your Will

    Establishing a will is certainly not a favorite undertaking for anyone, but it’s important. In fact, it’s one of the most important things to take care of that people commonly forget about, avoid, or procrastinate.

  • Planning for End-of-Life Costs with Your Legacy in Mind

    Establishing an end-of-life health care plan can protect the value of your legacy.

  • Protecting the Value of Your Business for the Next Generation

    If you own a business, consider these planning strategies so the next generation of owners are prepared.

Article Authors

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